Friday, 2 January 2015

Opera moments of 2014

Benvenuto Cellini  (c) ENO / Richard Hubert Smith.
Benvenuto Cellini  (c) ENO / Richard Hubert Smith.
Here is our list of our personal opera moments of 2014. It is a very partial list, selecting the operas and performances which have continued to resonate. 

2014 seems to have been a vintage year for rarities, and for Handel. We managed to take in rarely performed operas by Berlioz, Rossini (three in all) and Weber, and a total of four Handel operas (including one we'd never seen before). Of course, there were horrors too but this is a celebratory list of what was best in the opera we reviewed in 2014.

Man of the moment
 Hit of the year

Theatrical Excitement


Handel operas of the year

Proms moments

First opera

Young artists

Hilary's choice moments

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