Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Passion and Polyphony: the Gesualdo Six on the road

The Gesualdo Six - Passion and Polyphony
The Gesualdo Six, director Owain Park [read my interview with Owain], have their debut CD out English Motets (on the Hyperion label), and to celebrate the group is going on a Spring tour. From 2 to 8 April 2018 they are visiting Dorstone and Clodock (both in Herefordshire), Bristol, Winchester, London and Framlingham. The concert programmes include a mix of polyphony and more contemporary pieces, with Tallis, Byrd, White, Sheppard alongside, Poulenc, Jonathan Seers, Owain Park, Veljo Tormis, and David Bednall

The group takes an admirably pro-active and cooperative approach to concert giving, aiming to develop a relationship with audiences by welcoming them at the door, hosting refreshments at the concert and speaking to them afterwards to gain a better understanding of their experience. Ticket prices are kept reasonable in order to include as wide an audience as possible, and in most venues, the group operates a profit-share in order to support the important heritage locations.

Full details from the Classical Events website.

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