Monday, 12 March 2018

Scarlatti's Sonata K105

Sonata K105 in G major by Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757), performed by Julian Perkins at Hatchlands Park in Surrey on an English harpsichord from the Cobbe Collection. The sonata was published in 1749 and probably dates from the mid- to late 1740s and includes a number of Spanish influences (Scarlatti had been based in Spain since 1729), including passages which imitate the strumming of a guitar.

This harpsichord was made in 1787 in the workshop of Burkat Shudi and John Broadwood in London. It has two 8-foot registers, one 4-foot register, a lute stop and a harp stop, with a five-octave compass from FF to f3. There is also a ‘Venetian swell’ (not used here) that allows for 'crescendi' and 'diminuendi'.

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