Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Musicians' Movement
Whilst the announcements of the government's emergency funding for arts organisations is welcome news, much of this money seems destined not to trickle down to freelance artists many of whom are struggling in the present climate of uncertainty. Last week, the Musicians' Movement announced a new campaign partnership with the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM). There are two prongs to this, support for a COVID-Secure Freelance Performers' Support Scheme and the extension and expansion of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.

The first of these would guarantee performers a minimum fee, even if restrictions change, and help to create a route back to work. It would give venues and promoters the opportunity to programme in advance without financial insecurity, thus enabling them to curate coherent programmes again.

Many musicians have fallen through the gaps in the current Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, and the campaign calls upon the government to deliver on its pledge to ensure parity between employees and the self-employed by maintaining the level of support provided by the Self Employment Income Support Scheme and by expanding the eligibility criteria.

The arts sector is not a negligible part of the UK economy, it contributes 2.8billion a year to the Treasury via taxation alone, generates a further £23billion a year and employs over 360,000 people across the UK economy. All of this is at risk. The UK’s rich cultural heritage has been built up over generations and is being thrown away. 

The Musicians' Movement is a UK based organisation run by musicians, for musicians, and was set up as a response to the current pandemic.

Full details from the Musicians' Movement website.

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