Thursday, 10 February 2022

Les Salons en musique 2022

Les Salons en musique at the Institut Français being their 2022 season with a fascinating concert that blends old and new. On 17 February 2022, Ensemble Hope will be performing a programme that mixes Purcell, Bach, Handel, Satie, Falla, with Dorothea Hoffmann, Roger Steptoe, Gualtiero Dazzi, Frédéric Bousquet, Harmonice Mundi, J  Horrocks , Jean-Michel Hasler, Marc Antoine Million, and Bruno Giner. What makes the trio fascinating, however, is their instrumental line up - Armelle Marq, soprano, Frédéric Bousquet, euphone, Marc Antoine Millon, bass euphone. A Euphone is a development of the glass harmonica and the ensemble uses a modern Titanium Euphone, but the promise also a Crystal Organ, and the Baschet sound sculptures.

The 2022 series at the institute has a particular contemporary focus with music in the season by Arthur Sajas, Marc Antoine Millon, Dorothea Hofmann, Roger Steptoe, Gualtiero Dazzi, Frédéric Bousquet, Jean-Michel Hasler, Karol Beffa, Camille Pépin, Kaija Saariaho, Thomas Keck, Sofia Gubaidulina and Raphaël Imbert.

For the second concert in the series, on 10 March 2022, the French ensemble L'hostel dieu transports us to 17th century London. With mezzo-soprano Axelle Verner they perform music by Purcell, Playford, Lanier, Eccles, and Locke. Then on 14 April, Ensemble Diabolus in Musica conducted by Nicolas Sansarlat and Ensemble Alla Francesca conducted by Brigitte Lesne, join forces to transport us to 12th century Paris with Notre-Dame, the voice of cathedrals, mixing plainchant, music from the 12th century Notre Dame school with other music from the period.

Further ahead, there is a tribute to Marcel Proust on the centenary of his death, a concert that mixes French contemporary and 20th century music with traditional music from the British Isles, and a song recital from soprano Marie-Laure Garnier and pianist Célia Oneto Bensaid.

Full details from the institute's website.

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