Friday, 25 March 2022

'It runs gigantically and in a large mood' - Elgar's Piano Quintet at Conway Hall

Sir Edward Elgar by William Rothenstein in 1919 (courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery)
Sir Edward Elgar by William Rothenstein in 1919
(courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery)

On Sunday 3 April 2022, the Tippett Quartet is joined by pianist Emma Abbate at Conway Hall for a programme that combines Elgar's Piano Quintet with Haydn's Quartet in D minor Op.103 and Brahms' Quartet in C minor Op.51/1. 

Before hand I will be giving a pre-concert talk entitled It runs gigantically and in a large mood, looking at the history behind Elgar's Piano Quintet, one of a group of three late chamber masterpieces which were hugely affected by the secluded countryside location where Elgar wrote them. And the talk's title comes from Elgar's description of writing the quintet as relayed to a friend in a letter. The William Rothenstein drawing (above) was created in 1919, the year Elgar wrote the quintet.

Full details from the Conway Hall website.

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