Sunday, 24 March 2013

New sounds for 10th birthday celebrations

LSO St. Luke's is currently having a 10th birthday festival (is it really 10 years?). On Monday 25 March, composers from the LSO's new composer initiative, LSO SoundHub join with with LSO Discovery’s Digital Technology Group for a concert entitled Present. Curate. Collaborate. Innovate for what promises to be a wide range of styles, including ambient soundscapes, fully fledged hip-hop tracks and classical compositions. LSO St. Luke's birthday events run until 1 April and include performances from the LSO Community Choir, the LSO Strings, the Nash Ensemble and Tunisian vocalist Dhafer Youssef brings some Middle Eastern music to the mix. On Saturday 30 March (Easter Saturday), there is the Not(e) Perfect Orchestra for adults who haven't played an instrument for ages, or who have never played. And on Easter Monday there is a family open day. See the website for further details.

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