Saturday, 23 March 2013

Sound Reflections

Looking Beneath The Surface, by Susan Haire
Looking Beneath The Surface,
by Susan Haire
Indra's Net is a new show at the Cello Factory featuring large installations by artist Susan Haire. The works are innovatively designed from different reflective materials and the pieces focus on reflection and contemplation. More than that, the exhibition is a collaboration between Haire and the composer Stephen Dydo. The title of the exhibition is a reference to a Buddhist metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things. The exhibition runs at the Cello Factory in Waterloo from 16 to 23 April.  (and is open between 20 and 24 March for visitors to the London Ear Festival). But there is still more than that, as there are a series of events, many of a musical nature, being held during the exhibition so that you can see poets and musicians performing alongside the art works.

Dydo has created sonic accompaniments for each of Haire's works, short melodic fragments are repeated, mirrored, stretched and condensed into multiple reflections of themselves. The intention is that the sonic experience will complement the visual one, creating a multi-sensory experience with reflection at its core. Many of the pieces on display come from Haire's show Reflection which was shown in Peterborough Cathedral in 2012, with works ranged across the entire cathedral.

As a complement to Haire and Dydo's installations, is the programme of music and poetry taking place in the gallery. There is a recital for harp, viola and two violins featuring the composer and harp player Cevanne Horrocks-Hopayian, viola player Max Baillie and violinists Ellie Fagg and Tom Norris, which will mix baroque music with new work and improvisation (17 April). Jenni Hogan will be giving a wide ranging solo flute recital with music by Debussy, Takemitsu, Tsuru-no-Sugomori, Ferneyhough and Lang (18 April). Father and son duo, Alexander and Max Baillie will be playing duets for violin and cello by Mozart, Ravel, Honegger and Martinu (21 April). INCA, a native South American Folk Ensemble perform on 23 April, . Danny Kingshill (cello and voice) and Helen Moore (voice) are mixing music and words with the poetry of Jane Kingshill. (20 April) And there is further poetry reading on 16 April.

Your chance to listen to music amongst some striking visual art. Further information on the exhibition from their Art Rabbit listing. For details of the Cello Factory, see their Facebook page. The exhibition will also be on show for visitors of the newly launched London Ear Festival of Contemporary Music, between the 20 and 24 of March. For further information and tickets, please visit the London Ear Festival website.

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