Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Street piano inspires a new community piano academy

Herne Hill community piano
Herne Hill community piano
Anyone who has visited Herne Hill Station has probably noticed the piano which sits under the arch which forms a passage-way under the station. This street-piano, much loved and well maintained, has inspired a new community venture, the Herne Hill Piano Academy.

The aim of the academy is to offer piano lessons for those who may not otherwise be able to afford them, and to provide mentoring and experience for potential piano teachers. Having undertaken a successful crowd-funding, the project is preparing to launch and is interested in hearing from children wishing to learn the piano, and from intermediate/advanced pianists (16 and over) who are interested in teaching (and will receive payment for the teaching). They are also interested in hearing from professionals willing to volunteer as mentors.

The plan is to offer a mix of low price lessons and free scholarship lessons and the whole project is being overseen by the Herne Hill Forum.

Further information from the Herne Hill Forum website. Those interested should email info@hernehillforum.org.uk

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