Friday, 24 February 2017

We're crowd-funding! Songs to texts by AE Housman, Ivor Gurney, Rowan Williams & Christina Rossetti

Johnny Herford, Rosalind Ventris, Robert Hugill, Anna Huntley and William Vann at Potton Hall (Photo: Andrew Walton)
Johnny Herford, Rosalind Ventris, Robert Hugill, Anna Huntley and William Vann at Potton Hall (Photo: Andrew Walton)
I am excited to announce that we have started crowd-funding for Quickening, a new CD of my songs to be issued on the Navona Records label. A talented group of young British artists, Anna Huntley (mezzo-soprano), Rosalind Ventris (viola), Johnny Herford (baritone) and William Vann (piano) have recorded a disc of my settings of poems by Rowan Williams, AE Housman, Ivor Gurney and Christina Rossetti. We are very pleased indeed that Dr Rowan Williams gave us permission to record my setting of his powerful poem 'Winterreise: for Gillian Rose, 9 December 1995'

Recording is an expensive business and the crowd-funding enables us to give that final push and have the record company issue the recording in September this year. So we are offering some tempting rewards including unique hand-written manuscripts of the songs and the ability to dedicate a selected track on the disc.

Please do visit the Crowd Funder page to find out more.

Please do share with your friends.

Everyone enjoyed recording the songs, and I feel sure that you will enjoy listening to them.

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