Monday, 8 February 2021

The sounds and sights of the East Neuk: The Big Project at the East Neuk Festival

3 Amazing Minutes in St Monans from East Neuk Festival on Vimeo.

This year's East Neuk Festival in Fife is planned for 1 to 4 July 2021, and in the run up to the event the festival has created The Big Project to create a sound and picture map of the East Neuk. The idea is that members of the public record and share the sights and sounds of the gorgeous East Neuk coastline to create a sound and picture map, bringing together the tones and textures of the area. The final map will be revealed at the festival.

As a sampler, the above short film was created by the festival's Arts Activist, Pittenweem-based David Behrens, on his phone inspired by the old railway bridge in the village of St Monans.

Full details of The Big Project from the East Neuk Festival website.

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiring video. True nature music, brilliantly realised. Musique Concrète l'hiver indeed!


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