Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Fyer! Fyer! - the story of the Great Fire of London as you have never heard it before

Fyer! Fyer!
Roll up! Roll up! A group of travelling players is bringing a dramatic, funny and musical tale of the Great Fire of London.

Classes from five inner-London schools will be participating in a series of music, art and drama workshops based around the Great Fire of London, culminating in performances at Wilton's Music Hall.

Working with actor/director John Savournin and musical director Rosamund Savournin and young professional musicians, the children will prepare songs and art work to develop their understanding of the Great Fire of London. The final production will take place at Wilton's Music Hall on 14 April 2016, when children from the five schools, plus an additional school in Croydon will form the audience. The children will take part in this interactive show as well as enjoying a high quality performance by professional actors and musicians in the atmospheric surroundings of Wilton’s historic Music Hall.

The event is organised by the Concordia Foundation, which was founded by singer and broadcaster Gillian Humphreys to encourage and nurture young talent. The foundation provides opportunities via lunchtime and evening recitals, along with a unique educational programme for school-children from under-privileged backgrounds.

Further information from the Concordia Foundation website.

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