Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Bach to Metallica

Bram van Sambeek
Bram van Sambeek
Music by Bach and by Metallica are just two of the items in a varied programme being brought to Wilton's Music Hall on Wednesday 27 May 2015, by the Dutch bassoon player Bram van Sambeek. Bram van Sambeek's concert, one of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust's showcase evenings at Wilton's, will be in the music hall's new cocktail bar. Bram van Sambeek,  a player described by Valery Gergiev as 'a little bit unusual', will be playing music from Bach's Flute Partita, Mit FaGottes Hilfe (you have to be a German speaker to appreciate the pun!) by Werner Pirchner an Austrian jazz musician, and Pulling Teeth by Cliff Burton of the heavy metal band Metallica. He will also be previewing some of the short work's he has commissioned for Utrecht's Gaudeamus Muziekweek in September 2015.

Further information from the Wilton's website. Further ahead, the Boletti-Buitoni Trust's showcase concert in June is the terrific young horn player Alec Frank-Gemmill.

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