Wednesday, 13 May 2015

I Fagiolini's Betrayal

Robert Hollingworth and I Fagiolini are back with another music theatre piece based around Renaissance and early Baroque music. Ten years ago the group, in collaboration with director John La Bouchardiere produced The Full Monteverdi a drama based around Monteverdi madrigals and performed with the singers sitting amongst the audience, to striking effect. For their new piece, Betrayal: A polyphonic crime drama John La Bouchardiere and the group are exploring the darkly grim world of the music of Gesualdo. Combining Gesualdo's madrigals and motets with the harrowing emotional conflicts which underpinned his life, they will be creating their own stories.

The new production is going to be a promenade one, and will be presented in non-typical venues. It premieres on 13 May 2015 at Village Underground (a former warehouse which is now a club and music venue) with further performances there on 14 and 15 May (tickets from the Barbican), but then moves on to Cambridge Junction (20-22 May) and a multi-story car-park in the Salisbury Festival (3-5 June 2015).

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