Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Carnet de voyages: exploring the music of Simon Bertrand

Simon Bertrand (photo Jean Vailhe)
Simon Bertrand (photo Jean Vailhe)
The Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ) is continuing its concert series devoted to portraits of Quebec composers, and that these concerts are available online means that we can explore in the comfort of our own homes. SMCQ's concert on Sunday 30 January 2022 is a particular chance to explore as Carnet de voyages is dedicated to the music of Simon Bertrand, a composer who has traveled much.

Trained originally as a multi-instrumentalist at the Montreal Conservatoire, Simon Bertrand decided to dedicate himself to composition after experiencing a workshop with Henri Dutilleux. Since then, Bertrand has had periods of residence in Japan (where he wrote almost exclusively for traditional Japanese instruments) and in Denmark, in total spending more than 15 years away from his native land.

This is reflected in his music and the programme for Carnet de voyages will include music written in Japan as well as a world premiere, Blues de Saint-Adolphe for two clarinets, a viola concerto as well as inspirations from rock, pop and jazz. Samy Moussa conducts Ensemble de la SMCQ, with Trio Fibonacci, Virginie Mongeau, soprano, Brian Bacon, viola, Louise Bessette, piano, Annabelle Renzo, harp, Josée Poirier, flute, Claire Marchand, flute, Simon Bertrand and Jean-Guy Boisvert, clarinet. 

Full details from SMCQ's website.

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