Monday, 31 January 2022

Messiah 250: Paragon Singers celebrates the long tradition of performing Messiah in Bath

Paragon Singers: Messiah 250

Handel's Messiah was first heard in Bath in 1756 and there were other performances during Handel's lifetime and a memorial performance after his death. Then in 1767 William Herschel directed a performance at the opening of The Octagon in Bath, the first of quite a number of performances of the work that Herschel would direct in the city. Herschel is now best known as an astronomer (notably for the discovery of Uranus) but during his lifetime he had a parallel career as a distinguished musician and composer.

To celebrate this history, the Paragon Singers conceived the Messiah 250 project. Originally conceived in 2019, the project will finally culminate in March with a dramatised performance of Messiah, directed by Tom Guthrie and conducted by Sarah Latto, Paragon Singers music director, with soloists from the Echo Vocal Ensemble. The journey towards this performance will incorporate several community events, including  a series of workshops, a Taster day for complete beginners, a Come and Sing Messiah day, a day for younger singers at Bath Spa University and a partnership with Julian House homelessness service. Students from Bath Spa University film unit will document the rehearsals and a film will be made following the process through to performance.

Full details from the Paragon Singers website.

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